Hello friends, it’s been a few years. I managed to lose access to both my WordPress account and the email account it was linked to and it was a while before I could get the time to straighten it all out, but here I am at last!

A lot has happened in the last 4 years, not the least of which was the historic election of President Donald Trump to the White House! How Blessed we are that we got someone like him to come in and do the cleanup after the mess we had the previous eight years. And how refreshing it is to have elected someone that’s keeping his promises, something that just doesn’t happen in politics. No question about it to those of us that pay attention to what’s going on in the country and the world that President Trump is doing great things.

And he promised to drain the swap and as he does the swamp is trying to fight back with smears, lies, and phony impeachment hearings. But we see through it all for what it really is.

Let’s be sure to reelect this great man in 2020! With God on our side we will continue to do great things as a great nation once again!

Thanks for reading, it’s great to be back and I’ll be sure to check in more frequently now that I have my access back.
